Sunday, September 20, 2009

Well Kept Skunk

Gretchen still smells like skunk.

Maybe tomorrow she'll roll in something different and have a whole new stink to bring home.

- b

Saturday, September 12, 2009

No Daycare

You may or may have not noticed, but Gretchen's gone two weeks without daycare.

Between a careful balance of taking her to the lake, walking her around the park behind our house, and/or her growing up, we've managed to exercise her anxieties enough to leave her home without chewing the place to pieces.

In the past we've had a rule of no more then two days between lots of exercise when leaving her home. When we couldn't exercise her, she'd go to daycare.

With daycare and exercise, she was never a horrible chewer, but without daycare would have been a different story.

Hopefully the trend continues.

- b

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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Late Summer Hike

Managed to get out for a short hike with Sean and his dogs

If you look up ahead of Sean, you'll see Yoshi. She's still the same old Yoshi as far as I can tell.

The dog dynamic was kind of funny. CJ and Zephyr are the old dogs. They hang back with Sean and I while the kids (Yoshi and Gretchen) run all over the place.

Every once in a while CJ or Zephyr will get off track and Sean or I will be yelling (the old ones are deaf or play deaf) to get them back in line.

Meanwhile Gretchen and Yoshi are off over the hills chasing who knows what. No use trying to get their attention.

Every once in a while the kids get a little rowdy for the old ones and bump into one. The old ones take it upon themselves to remind the kids who they're dealing with and the kids quickly take their recklessness elsewhere.

Though maybe rude, I find it kind of funny if and when we come upon another dog. The new dog is like fresh meat. The kids run to play and greet not knowing what kind of demeanor the new dog may have. I guess because it's two of them (Yoshi and Gretchen) they don't seem to care if the new dog wants none of it. They're two young energy explosions with two older meaner minders to back them up.

It must be a blast for them.

- b

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