Saturday, October 31, 2009

Nice Fall Hike

Headed to Springton Manor Farm this morning for a hike. Everybody needed to get out.

CJ's been getting pretty stiff in his hind quarters. Nothing like running around the woods to loosen things up.

- b

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mmmmm Puke

Not sure what happened, but as fast as Gretchen's breakfast went down it came back up again.

Applying something similar to the five second rule (not like the human rule where it's still good if on the floor for less then 5 seconds, but the dog one where it's still good if only in their belly less then 15 minutes or something.), we let her try again.

It was still crunchy.

It was appetizing enough that CJ wanted some.

This is a natural behavior for dogs. In the wild they're supposed to lick each others faces to stimulate regurgitation for a snack. Yick!

Anyway. It all worked out the second time around.

- b

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Protector Against all Things Fuzzy

Gretchen spent the day guarding the yard from terrorist squirrels.

She'd hang out in various strategic spots around the yard, waiting for one to cross her path.

Then strike with cruise missile precision chasing the furry critters back up the trees where they belong.

Of course such efforts required a lot of napping. Each stint of assaults required much rest.

- b

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dog Ride

Sean and I did our first ride with both dogs (Gretchen and Yoshi).

Turned out better then either of us expected.

We've each successfully ridden with our dogs individually, but together made us nervous.

The way I described Gretchen's behavior was she just follows me. The way Sean described Yoshi was she stays out front.

The way it went down was I rode out front with Gretchen and Yoshi on my rear wheel and Sean taking up the rear.

It worked perfectly.

Occasionally Gretchen would show-off a bit and run next to me on single track trails (i.e very narrow trails), which she never does.

Yoshi was having a great time. When we stopped for water breaks, she'd run around in circles then back to Sean as if to tell him how much fun she was having.

Gretchen was like "Whatever. I do this all the time."

It was cool when we'd hit a field. The dogs would just take off chasing each other across the grass and into the night. It would get quiet as Sean and I peddled alone along the path in the grass, then suddenly crescendo with the sound of dog collars jingling when they came tearing by and heading off to a different corner of the field.

Hopefully we can get some kind of schedule together. I think we all could benefit from this being a regular thing.

- b


Gretchen Needs This

Ultimate Harness

Ruff Wear makes awesome dog stuff.

- b

Sunday, October 4, 2009

After Bath Dogs

Dogs are nuts after they've had a bath.

- b