Saturday, January 30, 2010

Four to Six Months

In the last 5 months, CJ's lost 5 pounds.

He's gotten very picky with his breakfast. Sometimes he'd eat some of it and sometimes he'd eat none of it. Dinner was always fine. Sometimes he'd even eat what was left from breakfast.

The Vet. recommended an abdominal ultrasound.

The ultrasound didn't reveal anything we didn't expect for a 14 year old dog, but it did put a timeline on things.

He's got a pretty aggressive tumor in his adrenal gland.

Luckily it's not causing him any pain - at least none that he's revealing.

- b

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cat Sitting

The tenant had to go away for a few days, so we're cat sitting.

They're slowly adjusting to the new place. This one (I'll have to get their names) a little slower then the others.

The black one immediately became my new best friend (I'll have to get a picture), which is a hell of a lot more then Jen's cat has ever done with me.

- b

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

CJ's Birthday Hike

Went for a short hike at Springton Manor Farm yesterday.

It was 50°F in January and Jen & the dogs needed some exercise.

It was also CJ's birthday. He's officially 14 years old, though he was running for treats like he was 12.

Gretchen spent most of the time on the leash. There were too many things for her to chase and Springton Manor Farm isn't really big enough to just let her chase.

- b

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Monday, January 4, 2010

More Strange Behavior

Gretchen and CJ both have their own beds. CJs bed is preferred by both of them. CJ won't go near Gretchen's.

Usually when Gretchen lays in CJs bed he walks around whining until Jen or I pull Gretchen off, so he can lay down.

These dogs hardly lay on the same couch together, so you can imagine my surprise when I came upstairs and found this.

Both of them on CJs bed!

Granted, CJ doesn't look very comfortable and is simply tolerating her presence, but I get the impression she was there first and he laid down anyway.

- b

Sunday, January 3, 2010

CJ the Pedicurist

CJ hates most interaction from Gretchen. If she walks near him with any kind of intent other then walking by, he's barking at her.

So we found this to be pretty strange.

And then the other paw

Yeah. Not all that exciting. We don't get a whole lot of action out of CJ (he'll be 14 in two weeks), so any recorded bit now will be nice later.

- b